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Find all available positions that our clients offer through us. Our EPICO Search team is specialized in finding the right IT-profile to out clients, and below you will find a list of all available jobs, and which companies that are looking for new colleagues to join their organization.
The hiring process will be through EPICO Search in close collaboration with the companies looking for new talent.
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Permanent positions
IT-Beredskabsansvarlig til Aarhus Letbane – IT sikkerhed og NIS2
Aarhus Letbane I/S
Permanent positions
Permanent Placement

Teknologi Arkitekt
Atea A/S
Ballerup eller Aarhus
Permanent positions
Permanent Placement

QA Lead til Softværket
Softværket A.m.b.a
Permanent positions
Permanent placement
Application Manager for FreeFlow
København V
Permanent positions
Permanent Placement